Tanya Komputer


Outlook Express Attachment

My Outlook Express can not receive any attachments, how could it be? and how to make it works as normal?

You must have just upgraded Internet Explorer. The latest upgrade automatically blocks attachments that might potentially carry viruses. This option has been part of OE all along, but with the latest upgrade, the option is turned on by default. The good news is that it is fairly easy to turn it back off.
1. Open Outlook Express
2. Click on “Tools” and then “Options”.
3. Click the Security tab
4. Under Virus Protection, click to remove the check from the box labeled “Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus”.
5. Click OK
As long as your virus program is kept updated (My AVG AntiMalware Updates itself every day) you will still be protected from viruses. If you never have a need to open attachments, I would leave this setting on.

By Dikky | Via website
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